Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kids’ Night Out was a Huge Success!

Our first Kids' Night Out fundraiser was a huge success! We had 39 children in attendance and raised $335.00.

During the four-hour period between 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m., the children played video games, interactive games, made Halloween cats, and watched Otis & Milo. We hope the parents enjoyed those four hours as much as the kids did!

Join us next time, on November 16, 2007, from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m., at the Fiesta Resort for another Kids’ Night Out.

Due to the number of people that pre-registered their children for the October KNO, we strongly urge you to pre-register for the November KNO. And, if your plans change, please let us know so we can make room for other children.

If you have any questions regarding KNO, please contact Melissa Simms at

Thank You To:

A loud shout out goes to the leader of the pack – Melissa Simms – who did an amazing job keeping the children engaged and busy. Thank you for coordinating the event and providing the children with such a good time.

To our volunteers: Deane Jessee-Jones, Rose Callier, Madison Smith, Maddie Schultz, Betty Miller, Theresa Miller, Zoe Schorr, and Roseanna Sablan.

To Fiesta Resort: Thank you for providing us with a great place to hold KNO. A special thank you to Fiesta Manager Lance Razon and the Fiesta Staff, especially Jheff Riman, who made sure we had plenty of snacks, juice, and water available at all times.

And, we thank the parents who brought their children to the event and donated to our organization. Your monetary contribution to PAWS will help us help the community. Thank you.

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