You’re help is greatly needed. A couple (Brian and Nina) contacted me last week regarding a dog that they had found abandoned near a quarry a little over a week ago. Since the couple found the dog, they have been feeding and watering him three times a day, in addition to giving him vitamins. According to the couple, over the course of the last week, this dog’s spirits have improved immensely, but obviously, he has a long road to a full recovery.
Brian, the gentleman who found dog, and I took the dog to Dr. dela Cruz’s boarding kennel this afternoon. He had hoped that the dog could stay at the kennel for the next month while he recovered and received numerous skin treatments from Dr. dela Cruz.
Unfortunately, upon seeing the dog, Dr. dela Cruz was unable to accept the dog into the kennel facility because the dog’s mange is too severe. Dr. dela Cruz must keep his kennel as clean as possible to abide by quarantine regulations, thus, his inability to accept the dog is understandable.
Dr. dela Cruz did start treating the mange today, and apparently the injection he gave the dog will start to kill other internal and external parasites. So, the dog is already on the road to recovery, but…he needs a safe and secluded place to stay until he receives his next treatment shot in two weeks. (He should be secluded because mange is contagious to other animals.)
Because Dr. dela Cruz could not accept the dog to the kennel, and Brian is unable to take the dog back to his apartment complex, we had to take the dog back to his roadside bed and leave him. What a crappy feeling – leaving a sick animal behind to fend for himself on a road where large dump trucks drive by every 20 minutes. (It is also important to note that this particular area where Brian found the dog seems to be a favorite dumping spot for dead animals – today we found one dead cat wrapped in a plastic bag and last week, Brian found his rescue eating a dead cat. Thus, this is not a nice place.)
I promised Brian that we (PAWS and the Animal Welfare Committee) would try to find this dog a place to live for the next couple of weeks while he regains his strength. In order to do this – your help is needed. We are looking for someone who has a secluded, and perhaps even fenced off, shaded area on their property where the dog can stay.
Brian is willing to pay up to $150 a month towards this dog’s medical care and boarding fees, in addition to providing food and vitamins. This means that Brian is willing to pay someone rent if they will let this dog stay on their property for the next two-four weeks.
Does anyone know of a neighbor, friend, or family member who has a place on their property where we can board this dog? As I said, Brian is willing to pay for the space ($20-50 a month maybe?). Naturally, Brian and his wife intend on visiting the dog and continuing to nurse the dog back to health – so it would be important that they be able to enter the property daily.
Normally, I would push for a dog like this to be euthanized, but I understand and admire Brian’s determination to save this dog. In less than a week, the dog has already shown great improvement. And, as Brian said to me today, “Everyone else in this dog’s life let him down. I just can’t let him down. I have to help him.”
So, let’s help Brian, this dog and ourselves. Let’s rid this island of one more homeless, mangy dog and make ourselves feel better by helping two individuals that need our support and help.
If you can help Brian and his dog friend, please contact Katie at 256-0243 (home) or email me at